Time For Gadaffy to Stand Down

People in Libya are fed up with Col.Gadaffy as he is ruler of Libya and a Libyan citizen states this "I think we are sick of Gadaffy he is treating us unfair and we want him to leave just like what President Mubarek did when he left Egypt,either he leave or he will have to face us and force him to give us peace."
Unfortunately,an Irish-American man has been hit in the nose after he used offensive language at Gadaffy and he hit the Irish-American in the nose with an AK-47 machine gun,and one of Gadaffys soldiers had shot a 27-year old German man with a Model 1887 shotgun,and finally a 36-year old Brazillian man has died in the arms of Gadaffy after one of Gadaffys soldiers shot him with a G18 pistol.
Hillary Clinton,The US and President Obama are persuading Gadaffy to leave Libya,while the riots are continuing. Four Irishmen have left Benghazi to Dublin last night and they are safe with their famillies. People in Egypt are free from Mubarek's rule weeks ago before the riots in Libya.

By Thomas Prior


Mrs M White said...

Great to see you have such an interest and knowledge of current affairs Thomas. I agree that Col Gaddaffy is unfair to his own people.

victoria said...

well done thomas
from victoria (your little sis)


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