The Justin Bieber Concert

Rachael and Enya went to the Justin Bieber Concert. Willow Smith was performing her songs "21st Century Girl" and "Whip My Hair". She was amazing. Justin Bieber came on then and we cried because we were so happy. He came across the crowd on a huge heart and sang "Favourite Girl". Later he came out in a balloon shaped cage and sang "Up". He picked a girl out of the audience and sang "One Less Lonely Girl". We were so jealous of her. He also sang "Never Say Never" with Jaden Smith. He sang a song to Dan Canter (Justin Bieber's lead guitarist) to thank him for performing with him. We took loads of videos and pictures of Justin Bieber. We were coming out of the O2 and some girls started screaming because Justin Bieber was going down a lift. We ran as fast as the wind to see him. Enya saw the top of Justin's head. We had a great time and can't wait until the next time he comes to Ireland.
By: Rachael and Enya. =]


Mrs M White said...

Glad you had a good time girls. There's always the chance that Justin himself might read this blog. Remember it's on the World Wide Web!

Rachael said...

I would literately die if that happened. That would be the best thing EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sophie said...

Hi Rachel, It's Justin. Thanks for your message on stardoll and for posting this blog, means a lot =]

Rachael that left this year said...

OMG Justin actually commented on this blog. And I know it isn't fake. I need to meet him sooooooooooo badly!


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