
On 25th of February 2011, I went to the RDS in Dublin to see an exibition about King Tutankhamun.It showed him as ruler of Ancient Egypt and the deciphering of the Rosetta Stone,the language of the Pharoahs.Tutankhamun also was the son of former Pharoah,Akhenaten and his wife,Nefertiti.Tutankhamun died at 19,when he was Pharoah and in 1922,Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon found his tomb. And then in 1923,Lord Carnarvon died from the curse of Tutankhamun. The Rosetta Stone was founded by Jean-Francois Champollion in 1822. I thought that exibition was brilliant.

By Thomas


Katie said...

when i went 2 egypt i saw him 2 in his temple,we had 2 pay 100 egyptian dollers which is worth about 2 Euro . He was unwrapped,we werent allowed take pics and my brother nearly got arrested cuz he waz caught takin a pic in da temple=-).His temple was small because he died at 19 so he not finish building it! we had a tour guide so now i no alot more bout egypt,especially bout kings nd queens

thomas said...

The thing about King Tutankhamun,is that if anyone tries to lift him out of his sarcophagus if there are two people carrying the sarcophagus with King Tutankhamun in it,King Tutankhamun Will Unleash An Ancient Egyptian Curse on one of the two people he chooses,and that person will have The Ancient Egyptian Curse on them and what The Ancient Egyptian Curse can do is that it can cause Bad Luck to the person and the person may die.


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